V HKR se zaměřujeme na tyto oblasti práva:
Mergers and acquisitions
We have been a partner to our clients in the field of mergers and acquisitions for many years. In recent years, our firm participated as a legal advisor in major transactions involving large Czech corporations. Our clients appreciate our high standard of legal advice as well as our creativity in planning and managing transactions (negotiation) tailored to client requirements.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Corporate law
We provide comprehensive legal services in the following areas of corporate law:
- Founding, administration and management of business corporations of all legal forms;
- General meeting organisation and management;
- Changes in companies and their bodies;
- Changes in memoranda of association and statutes;
- Changes in registered capital;
- All types of company transformations and liquidation;
- Prevention of penal responsibility of business corporations and other legal entities;
- Holding company structures and relations.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Insurance and banking
We have been representing major Czech insurers and financial institutions for many years in particular in:
- Litigation;
- Drafting of templates for contract and insurance terms and conditions;
- Contract document modifications due to amendments of laws on insurance policies.
We also provide systematic legal services to one of the largest Czech insurers in both court disputes and out-of-court discussions regarding the client’s insurance agendas, in particular in liability and compensation for damage.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Právní poradenství státní správě a samosprávě
V HKR máme rozsáhlé zkušenosti s poskytováním právních služeb subjektům působícím ve veřejné sféře, a to jak na obecní, tak i celorepublikové úrovni, a to s akcentem na právo veřejných zakázek, právní vztahy k nemovitostem a územní rozvoj. Mezi naše klienty patří jak řada obcí a statutárních měst, tak i Česká republika, resp. její organizační složky, či jimi zřízené osoby. V této souvislosti při poskytování právních služeb klientům z této oblasti v HKR citlivě vnímáme a zohledňujeme odlišnosti jejich právního statutu a podmínek fungování jejich procesů oproti subjektům z čistě soukromého sektoru.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Energy law
We are one of the few law firms operating on the Czech market with many years of experience in energy law.
Our lawyers have been providing primarily domestic clients with legal services in the fields of:
- Energy sector regulation;
- Acquisition and construction of energy installations;
- Forming and structuring energy groups;
- Dispute agenda in the energy sector.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Construction and environmental law
Our firm’s lawyers have amassed many years of experience in representing clients in the field of construction and environmental law with a focus specifically on:
- Construction Act and related regulations;
- Waste Act;
- Water and wastewater systems including both the ownership and the operation of water management infrastructure and the development and maintenance of water and wastewater systems;
- Legal audits in the field;
- Waste management;
- Representation in procedures;
- Document drafting.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Public procurement and competition law
We provide specialised public procurement law advice to our clients as well. Our law firm has a team of experienced lawyers who focus on comprehensive legal services in public procurement law on the part of both contracting authorities and bidders:
Public procurement:
- legal advice in drafting terms of reference documents;
- assistance during tendering procedures;
- legal advice in drafting bids;
- representing bidders in procedures reviewing contracting authority steps.
- cartel agreements;
- dominant position;
- combinations of competitors;
- dispute agenda.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Intellectual property law and media law
The combination of our lawyers’ transaction and litigation experience ensures that clients can receive specialised law advice in the constantly developing areas such as:
- Specific information technologies issues (e.g. software or hardware implementations and development);
- Trademark law;
- Intellectual property law;
- Media law;
- Industrial law;
- Protection of personal information;
- Telecommunications law;
- Dispute agenda.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Spolky, správa jmění, filantropie
V HKR řešíme problémy spolků, ať už jde o záležitosti jejich vnitřní organizace, nebo o jejich vlastní činnost a právní ochranu. Máme také zkušenosti se zakládáním nadačních fondů, ústavů a jiných právních forem spojovaných jak s charitativními projekty, tak se správou jmění. Dlouhodobá spolupráce s Nadačním fondem Via Clarita nám přinesla i řadu příležitostí pomoci dobré věci.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Family law
We provide our clients with legal assistance in resolving personal and property matters in families including the representation in court and in out-of-court negotiations:
Property of spouses, marriage contracts and prenuptial agreements; Divorces; Relationships with minor children.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Contracts in construction and commerce
We have many years’ worth of experience in drafting contracts in particular for clients in commerce and services, construction, and development.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Law of civil procedure, litigation, arbitration and other proceedings
Our firm has been confirming its strong position on the czech legal market in the area of litigation nad other proceedings. Our experienced team has been providing legal advice in legal and otherwise complicated cases to its clients.
- civil courts;
- domestic and international arbitration;
- criminal proceedings ;
- administrative proceedings;
- insolvency proceedings;
- specialized department of systematic enforcement of claims.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Legal relationships regarding real estate
Our firm has been providing legal advice in property law to both Czech and international clients for many years. Our lawyers participate in many transactions in the following areas of law:
- Sale and purchase of properties;
- Founding joint ventures focusing on real property investment;
- Projects involving commercial property development;
- Advisory for development projects;
- Contract coordination between developers, designers, investors, general contractors and subcontractors, and end customers buying properties;
- Advisory in the financing of such projects.
In this respect we have to stress that we focus on legal aspects of all areas of development including the requirements for the necessary permits and other approvals of the relevant state authorities.
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti:
Management and collection of receivables
Combining the knowledge of the established law firm with the related department specializing in debt management and recovery allows us not only 100% coverage of this challenging agenda by any/all most effective stages of recovery but also the position of a trusted advisor in this, for our customers often a key part, of the corporate finance management.
- Communication with debtors through the contact centre
- Specialized collection software allowing even extensive debt portfolios processing
- Out-of-court collection – finding a common solution with a debtor on behalf of a creditor or directly on behalf of the company HKR advokátní kancelář, s.r.o.
- Drafting of notarial deeds with direct enforceability
- Legal collection – conducting judicial proceedings to award the creditor’s claim in a legally effective manner
- Guarantee of immediate enforcement of the decision including executions
- Consultancy in the area of receivables management and credit risk services
Na tuto oblast práva se specializují zejména následující advokáti: